Bluetooth Pedal Commanders are Here!
Since we’ve announced the release of our new PC18 & PC31 Pedal Commander BlueTooth units, we’ve had some time to collect your questions and answer them all in one place!
Let me begin by saying the P4 model previous to the Bluetooth is not outdated. The new Bluetooth Pedal Commander unit still works the same way, with the same throttle maps and internal chip. The Bluetooth units will just have the capability to connect to your phone and control the unit remotely.
Even though these new units will not ship until April 2, 2018, the Pedal Commander app is free and already available on Apple and Android devices.
What’s new?
Here are a list of features that are now available with the Bluetooth connectivity:
The first time you connect, the app will ask you to input the 6-digit serial number on the back of your Pedal Commander.
After that, as long as the Bluetooth on your phone is turned “on,” it will automatically find your Pedal Commander and start in the last mode you left it in. To change it, just open the app and click “connect.”
If your Bluetooth is not turned on, or you are out of range (15 feet max), you will see “unable to connect” at the bottom of the screen
You can now change all modes and sensitivity levels from the app
- If you have multiple Pedal Commander Bluetooth devices on multiple vehicles, you can store them all in the app and name each one

- The app is also able to be translated into 4 languages, and we’re currently working on adding more

- You can change the background image for the app: choose between black mesh, carbon fiber, or black

- You can activate/deactivate whether you still want the manual buttons on the Pedal Commander unit to work

You can change the brightness of the LED lights on the Pedal Commander

- For our authorized dealers, you will now be able to connect to your customer’s Pedal Commanders to upload custom vehicle maps

- You can view installation videos from the app

Here are some common questions we’ve received so far:
Q: Will there still be something to plug into the gas pedal? Or will the new unit be completely wireless?
A: You do not have Bluetooth built into your vehicle’s throttle sensor, so you will still be required to plug Pedal Commander in between your gas pedal and throttle sensor plug.
Q: What prevents someone else from connecting to my Pedal Commander and controlling my throttle response
A: Your signal can only be accessed from the app by a person who has the 6-digit serial number on the back. However, even if multiple people have that number, only one person can be logged into it from the app at once. If someone else tries to log in, you will not be kicked out, and they will receive a “cannot connect” message.
Q: Can my non-Bluetooth unit be converted into a Bluetooth unit?
A: No.
Q: Can I return my non-Bluetooth unit for a credit towards a Bluetooth unit?
A: If you purchased your Pedal Commander from us on our website (and you’re within your 30 day satisfaction guarantee) you can return it for your full refund and purchase the new BlueTooth model. If you purchased it from one of our dealers, you’ll have to check with their return policy. If a product is returned within its 30 days, it gets sent to our manufacturing plant for the individual parts to be refurbished like new. But once it has gone beyond 30 days, the used product is not able to be refurbished. This is how we keep up with our own high standards for the best quality when it comes to our products.
Q: Will you still offer the non-Bluetooth units for anyone who doesn’t have a smartphone?
A: All PC31 and PC18 units going forward will have the Bluetooth capability, however, you do not have to use it. The Pedal Commander can still be used and controlled manually from the device itself.
Q: When do you plan on releasing Bluetooth units for the other part numbers?
A: We are currently in the process of making all Pedal Commander part numbers Bluetooth capable, however we do not have a current release date yet. Keep an eye on our social media accounts for that information.